Raven’s Featured in Chicago inno’s 14 Illinois Teen Entrepreneurs To Watch

Raven Smith

 Raven Smith, Straight from the Go

Age: 18

School: University of Missouri-Columbia (incoming freshman and recent grad of Morgan Park High School)Smith hopes to create a new image for Chicago through her apparel startup. She designed a line of t-shirts that feature the phrase “Straight from the Go,” to dispel stereotypes of the city, particularly around violence and crime, and inspire a sense of pride and community. Plus, a portion of all t-shirt proceeds go toward anti-violence efforts. Since launching last year Smith has sold over 1,600 t-shirts and gave away an additional 400. Next up, the shirts will be sold in Love From Chicago boutiques at Woodfield Mall, O’Hare Airport, Water Tower Mall and on Michigan Avenue, as well as in Belle Up boutiques in Beverly and on Michigan Avenue.


14 Illinois Teen Entrepreneurs To Watch was originally posted on Chicago Inno. Click here to see the full list